Sunday, August 20, 2017

Personal Development Plan

Being proficient in your job is essential.  If you want to advance in the workforce, you also need to look at ways to develop professionally.

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Short Term Goal
  • Earn my Master’s degree in Instructional Design and Technology
  • Continue to improve my skills in leadership and developing and evaluating training products

Long Term Goal
  • Accept an instructional designer position
  • Continue to build my skills for advancement and to mentor others  

Development Plan
Development Ideas
Rationale for Development
360 Degree Feedback
This would be a great tool to assess my strengths, weaknesses, and skills as viewed by my peers, supervisors, and clients (Noe, 2013).  This would allow me to see what areas I need to focus on in order to improve my performance, interpersonal skills, and skills needed for advancement.  These assessments could be effective when working in a different role or job assignment.
As a new person to the field of instructional design, a mentor would provide me with informal training and give me insight to common challenges in our organization.  A mentor can provide career support through coaching, providing challenging assignments, and exposure (Noe, 2013).  The mentor benefits as well by developing interpersonal skills and increased feeling of self-esteem and worth to the company (Noe, 2013).
Formal Education
Master’s Degree in Instructional Design and Technology, emphasis in Training and Performance Improvement  
Since I work for a training company, there would be several benefits.

The new knowledge and skills learned can be used immediately and for future contracts.
I will be able to apply theory to justify training models and lesson development.
Knowing the benefits of using a systematic approach to training will help during the front-end-analysis process.
Temporary Assignments
Proposal writing is an essential aspect of my company.  The experience I gain from working with this department along with my aviation background could make me a great asset to my organization.  This assignment would help me see if I would enjoy this role.  According to Noe (2013), temporary assignments allow employees to try out positions to determine if they will be a good fit.

Noe, R. A. (2013). Employee training and development (6th ed.). New York, NY: McGraw Hill.

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