Sunday, August 20, 2017

Personal Development Plan

Being proficient in your job is essential.  If you want to advance in the workforce, you also need to look at ways to develop professionally.

Image retrieved from

Short Term Goal
  • Earn my Master’s degree in Instructional Design and Technology
  • Continue to improve my skills in leadership and developing and evaluating training products

Long Term Goal
  • Accept an instructional designer position
  • Continue to build my skills for advancement and to mentor others  

Development Plan
Development Ideas
Rationale for Development
360 Degree Feedback
This would be a great tool to assess my strengths, weaknesses, and skills as viewed by my peers, supervisors, and clients (Noe, 2013).  This would allow me to see what areas I need to focus on in order to improve my performance, interpersonal skills, and skills needed for advancement.  These assessments could be effective when working in a different role or job assignment.
As a new person to the field of instructional design, a mentor would provide me with informal training and give me insight to common challenges in our organization.  A mentor can provide career support through coaching, providing challenging assignments, and exposure (Noe, 2013).  The mentor benefits as well by developing interpersonal skills and increased feeling of self-esteem and worth to the company (Noe, 2013).
Formal Education
Master’s Degree in Instructional Design and Technology, emphasis in Training and Performance Improvement  
Since I work for a training company, there would be several benefits.

The new knowledge and skills learned can be used immediately and for future contracts.
I will be able to apply theory to justify training models and lesson development.
Knowing the benefits of using a systematic approach to training will help during the front-end-analysis process.
Temporary Assignments
Proposal writing is an essential aspect of my company.  The experience I gain from working with this department along with my aviation background could make me a great asset to my organization.  This assignment would help me see if I would enjoy this role.  According to Noe (2013), temporary assignments allow employees to try out positions to determine if they will be a good fit.

Noe, R. A. (2013). Employee training and development (6th ed.). New York, NY: McGraw Hill.

Saturday, August 19, 2017

A Case for Employee Development

Sometimes it's not all about the training companies provide for its employees.  Companies should develop employees to prepare for future success in customer service and productivity.

Below is a link to download the slides if you would like to view it as a true presentation.

Thursday, August 10, 2017

Technology in Learning and Training

Technology has really become a game changer in the way we learn and train.  These technologies have influenced the delivery of training, training administration, and training support (Noe, 2013).  This blog will discuss several technologies used in training and their impact in the field of training and learning.


With the advent of the Internet and affordability of computers and their common presence in the work place, organizations and individuals can take advantage of e-learning.  There are several benefits to e-learning like, its accessibility any time and any place, it can be delivered to geographically dispersed personnel, and it can be delivered to more employees in a shorter period of time (Noe, 2013).  Many organizations embrace e-learning because it cuts down on cost (i.e., equipment and travel expenses) and allows employees to complete any training at their own pace and convenient time.  For adult learners returning to college or seeking certifications, e-learning provides the flexibility for them to fit learning into their every day schedule.    

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A wiki is a website that allows many members to create, edit, and share content (Noe, 2013).  Wikis are a good tool to use to share information so other can learn informally.  Since wikis can be accessed on the web, members can view and edit content at their leisure.  Some wikis allow visitors to leave comments which can foster deeper collaboration and insight in the topic.  Consider a wiki page for the medical field.  This would allow experts from around the world to share their knowledge and ideas about symptoms and surgical procedures.  These ideas could help brainstorm solutions for cures and improved procedures.    


When it comes to simulation technologies, the most common application is flight simulators for training pilots.  Flight simulators allow pilots to train and practice their skills in a safe environment without the risk of damaging a multimillion dollar aircraft.  Simulators help trainees with the decision making process when presented with real-life scenarios.  The military uses simulator training methods to train a variety of skills.  There are simulators for convoy operations as well as counterinsurgency techniques.  Simulators are a powerful tool that provide realistic training and can be delivered via games on a computer or training devices.  These games and devices allow leaders and personnel to understand the immediate consequences of each decision as well as how each decision can contribute to or deter from the effectiveness of other actions (Noe, 2013).  

Mobile Technology

Who doesn’t have a smartphone nowadays?  Mobile learning refers to formal and informal learning delivered on a mobile device like a tablet or smartphone (Noe, 2013).  YouTube offers many short videos from how to do car repairs to tutorials on playing an instrument.  Apps are now being used to deliver training.  According to Noe (2013), combat medic teams use an approved App for details on specific medical procedures like controlling bleeding.  With everyone holding some sort of device these days, mobile technology can make access to information and training very easy.   

Virtual Reality

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Is virtual reality (VR) technology just for entertainment or does it have value in the field of education?  VR is relatively new and making its way as a training tool.  Reynard (2017) states that VR technology is still evolving and moving more into the mainstream…but its effectiveness in classrooms is still being realized.  VR is very similar to simulators in that simulations become realistic and the user can interact with components (Noe, 2013).  The benefit of VR is that it can provide first-hand virtual experiences for students (Reynard, 2017).  When used with groups, participants can share learning and ideas from the shared virtual reality experience (Reynard, 2013).  Virtual reality equipment can be expensive so only time will tell if the benefits will out-weigh the costs.

Noe, R. A. (2013). Employee training and development (6th ed.). New York, NY: McGraw Hill.

Reynard, R. (2017). THE IMPACT OF VIRTUAL REALITY ON LEARNING: As virtual reality goes mainstream and provides new ways for students to interact and gain hands-on experience, it's important to experiment and demonstrate the technology's potential learning benefits. Campus Technology Magazine30(6), 33-36.

Thursday, July 13, 2017

Finding the Right Fit with Needs Analysis

Men’s Wearhouse specializes in men’s dress clothes and is committed to customer satisfaction.  The company was founded by George Zimmer and the first store opened in 1973 in Houston, Texas.  Today, there are over 1,200 stores in the U.S. with a purpose of helping “people love how they look by providing a personal, convenient, one-of-a-kind shopping experience with compelling products and world class service” (Men’s Wearhouse, n.d.).

The company credits its success to their commitment in promoting employee growth through ongoing training programs that focus on personal and career development.  If this organization were seeking to improve performance, a needs analysis would need to be conducted.  The needs analysis is the first step in the instructional design process and is used to determine if training is the appropriate solution (Noe, 2013).

In order to determine if a training need exists, who it exists for, and for what tasks training is needed, key stakeholders like managers, trainers, employees, and subject matter experts (SMEs) should be involved in the needs analysis process (Noe, 2013).  Management would include upper management and middle managers while SMEs would consist of tailors and sales associates.  When stakeholders are included, it gives them a sense that their opinions are valued and increases the odds that they will agree to the recommended training needs and solutions.

Some questions to ask when analyzing the organization, personnel, and tasks would be:

What is the current state of performance?
What is the desired state or performance?
What is the organization’s rationale for spending on training?
What do employees need to do to accomplish the business goals? (Noe, 2013)
Who should be trained?
What jobs can training make the biggest difference in product quality or customer service? (Noe, 2013)
What tasks should be trained?

Historical data and company standard operating procedures (SOP) documents can be useful during the needs analysis.  Historical data from customer service can give indicators where service is not reaching the desired mark.  Also, training records and documents can help show who and what is being trained.
The needs analysis is a critical first step in determining the training need.  Instructional designers often use observations, surveys, questionnaires, and interviews to gather data from management and employees.  Many times, simply asking the target audience what they want and listening to what they tell you can bring light to performance problems and the solutions to improve performance (Jaenke, 2013).  The employees have first-hand knowledge of what is working and what is not.  Using their input will pay off during the implementation of the training because they will see it as useful and worthwhile.
Jaenke, R. (2012). Just Ask Them: Increasing Learner Engagement. T&D, 66(7), 30-31.

Men’s Wearhouse. (n.d.). Retrieved from
Noe, R. A. (2013). Employee training and development (6th ed.). New York, NY: McGraw Hill.

Thursday, July 6, 2017

The 'Why We Train' Speech

Here is a hypothetical speech to a person that does not believe that training is important, complicated, or even necessary.

Hello, my name is Robert Martinez and I am a performance improvement specialist.  Did you know that many businesses miss out on profits and growth every year simply because they do not have a strategy for their training programs?  We have found that many training programs fail because of the lack of staff involvement.  When your managers are involved in the training decisions, they can help ensure that the training is related to your business needs.  As a result, there are two benefits, your business goals can be reached and the managers will be more willing to be involved once they see the positive outcomes from the training.

Another interesting fact is that businesses are more culturally diverse.  Employees and managers need to know how to work with people from different cultures.  When this doesn’t happen, you run the risk of losing talented people from your team simply because of the work environment.  Know that increased diversity can give your business a competitive advantage.

Now let’s talk about the aspect of customer satisfaction.  Consumers have access to information and reviews about your company and your competitors through social media and consumer rating sites.  If the ratings are poor, you could lose business just off of those reviews.  It is important for your staff to know how to interact with customers and have an understanding that they are a representative of your brand. 

Having quality training that is aligned with your business goals will keep your organization focused and on the right track.  Using different approaches and technologies to deliver training will be key in keeping your staff motivated and engaged.  I say, build your people and they will build your business.  I hope to hear from you soon so we can discuss a training strategy for your organization.

Thursday, February 16, 2017

My Experience with Scope Creep

I define scope creep as changes to a project that cause it to grow beyond its original intent.  These changes can come from new technologies, the client or team members (Portny, Kramer, Mantel, Meredith, & Shafer, 2007).

At the moment, I am involved in a project that is going through some changes.  Our client wanted a newer interface for their courseware that could be used with all devices.  That in itself was not a problem.  We started working on converting all courseware to this new interface, however (to my knowledge) there was never a discussion about standards and conventions that would be used with this new interface.  For example, what colors would be used and how, how would lesson menus be setup, and how would prompts be worded.  This was a recipe for scope creep.

As developers, since there really wasn’t any guidance, we just used the standards we used in the past, but then came to find out that some things did not really transfer well.  What ended up happening was everyone was doing something a little bit different, so there was no continuity between lessons.  The management realized the problem and provided us with a document that solved some of the issues we had already encountered.

By not having a design document, we were doing double work.  Along with that, as new issues were discovered, we (the developers) would come up with a solution, inform the project manager for approval or disapproval.  The problem with that was, the approved solutions was never passed on to other team members.  Again, this caused double work.

To prevent scope creep, a simple solution would be to have a design document from the beginning.  The document could have been based off a prototype lesson that addressed any nuances.  Another action the project manager could do is hold short weekly meetings with all team members to ensure they were aware of any changes to the standards.  Plus, during the meeting, the PM could get status reports and feedback on any issues (Laureate Education, n.d.).

I think that in most cases, the right tools and communication can mitigate many project problems.  Scope creep comes in many forms but it is the project manager’s responsibility to keep the project within its original boundaries.


Laureate Education, Inc. (Executive Producer). (n.d.). Monitoring projects [Video file]. Retrieved from

Portny, S. E., Kramer, B. E., Mantel, S. J., Meredith, J. R., & Shafer, S. M. (2007). Project management. Chichester, United Kingdom: John Wiley & Sons.

Thursday, February 2, 2017

Where to go for Project Scheduling Help

Project managers have a variety of responsibilities and have to wear different hats depending on what the focus or issue of the moment is.  So how do they get a handle on the chaos and keep things organized?  Fortunately, there is a lot of advice and tools available online.  I did an online search and found a couple of sites that may help those that need a little help in keeping things organized before they get out of control or new comers that are looking for advice. 

One site that offers a lot of information on leadership and management skills is MindTools.  According to their web page, they provide online training in leadership, team and personal development training to individuals, and business worldwide.  I thought this site would be useful because of the ‘toolkit’ section.  This section offers articles on different topics like time management, project management, and strategy tools.  This site could be useful to anyone wanting to improve their management or daily work skills.  Unfortunately, you need to be a member to get full access to all of the articles.

Another site I found was PROJECTinsight.  It is actually an online project management software tool.  Not only does it offer all the project management tools like budgeting, collaboration, prioritizing, and scheduling, it also has a section that explains common project management terms.  This is not a free site either.  When it comes to making budgets and reports, software tools like this can be very helpful in overcoming project challenges. 

The last site I found was actually a personal finance site but it contained a section ‘management & leadership’.  The site was The Balance.  I thought this would be useful because the articles give beginners information on the project process.  Right now the information is limited, but maybe in the future more articles and tools will be added to make this site worthy of being bookmarked as a project management resource.

Projects come in all sizes and each have their own challenges.  The Internet offers tons of information and resources for businesses and project managers to overcome those challenges.  When it comes to project management, time is a scarce resource (Laureate Education, n.d.).  The tools and articles in the above sites can aid project managers in setting priorities, setting schedules and timelines, and communication.  In turn, that will help with time management and project success.  

Laureate Education, Inc. (Executive Producer). (n.d.). Creating a project schedule [Video file]. Retrieved from